Elon Musk’s Earth-Shaking Move: Tesla Set to Embrace Bitcoin Again as Clean Energy Soars Above 50%

Tesla Bitcoin Payments Clean Energy Usage

Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, is thinking about letting people use Bitcoin again to buy their electric cars. He wants something important to happen first: more than half of the energy used to make Bitcoin must come from clean sources. This article talks about this news and what it could mean for Bitcoin and Tesla.

Tesla Set to Embrace Bitcoin Again

Tesla Set to Embrace Bitcoin -Elon Musk’s Big Idea

Elon Musk runs Tesla, the company that makes electric cars. Earlier, Tesla said it might accept bitcoin as payment for its cars. But then, it changed its mind because it was worried about how much dirty energy bitcoin used. Dirty energy is not good for the environment.

Elon Musk said Tesla would only use bitcoin again when more than 50% of the energy used to make bitcoin is clean and good for the Earth.In 2021, Tesla bought a lot of bitcoin. This made bitcoin’s price go up a lot. But then, Tesla stopped letting people use bitcoin to buy its cars because it was scared about dirty energy. It also made changes on its website to show it would accept Dogecoin instead.

The Clean Energy Milestone

Recent analysis, courtesy of Bloomberg Intelligence, reveals that bitcoin mining has finally surpassed the 50% mark in sustainable energy usage, as recommended by Elon Musk. The electric vehicle pioneer temporarily suspended Bitcoin payments in 2021, citing concerns over the environmental impact of the cryptocurrency’s energy consumption. Musk vowed to reinstate the payment option once miners transitioned to cleaner energy sources.

The Energy Debate

The debate surrounding bitcoin’s energy consumption has been a persistent point of contention. Critics argue that the network’s energy demands are excessive, comparable to those of some small countries, and that it burns fossil fuels, contributing to environmental harm. Bitcoin enthusiasts, on the other hand, emphasize the network’s energy-source neutrality, its capacity to leverage stranded renewable energy, and its role in securing a groundbreaking decentralized financial system.

Tesla’s Bitcoin Adventure

In February 2021, Tesla shook the crypto world by investing a whopping $1.5 billion in bitcoin and expressing support for the cryptocurrency as a payment method. This move drove the bitcoin price to new highs, briefly touching $44,200. As of now, Tesla retains over 9,000 bitcoins in its corporate treasury, valued at approximately $259 million, making it the third-largest public holder of bitcoin globally.

A Sudden Reversal

However, just three months after embracing bitcoin, Elon Musk appeared to capitulate to the cryptocurrency’s detractors. He announced that Tesla would halt vehicle purchases using bitcoin, citing concerns about the surging use of fossil fuels in bitcoin mining and transactions, particularly coal, with its devastating environmental footprint.

Musk made it clear that Tesla would only resume bitcoin payments when the energy used by bitcoin miners became demonstrably “clean.” His exact requirement was for approximately 50% of the energy to come from sustainable sources, setting the stage for the recent developments.

A Positive Trend Emerges

While precisely quantifying the energy mix powering bitcoin mining remains challenging, the latest analysis from Bloomberg Intelligence suggests that the moment has arrived for Musk and Tesla to uphold their commitment. The report titled “Bitcoin’s Energy Narrative Reverses as Sustainables Exceed 50%” declares a significant shift in the bitcoin mining landscape.

The report goes on to state, “The Bitcoin mining industry is emerging as a player in the drive toward decarbonization,” countering accusations that the cryptocurrency’s energy use is environmentally unsustainable. It highlights improved data visibility that contradicts the claims of excessive carbon emissions.

Tesla Set to Embrace Bitcoin: What’s Next

With insightful analysis and extensive investigation pointing towards bitcoin miners achieving the 50% clean energy threshold, the time seems ripe for Tesla to reintroduce bitcoin payments. Given the cryptocurrency’s past association with Tesla, it’s reasonable to anticipate a positive market response to this news.

Key Developments

Clean Energy Overtakes Fossil Fuels

According to Bloomberg analyst Jamie Coutts, clean energy now accounts for more than 50% of bitcoin mining energy consumption. This shift is primarily a result of miners relocating after China’s mining ban in the previous year. Additionally, countries like El Salvador, Bhutan, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates have actively pursued renewable energy sources, contributing to the sustainability of bitcoin mining.

Elon Musk’s Initial Announcement

In 2021, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, initially made headlines by expressing Tesla’s willingness to accept bitcoin as payment once miners achieved over 50% clean energy usage with a positive trajectory. This milestone, seemingly met recently, awaits official confirmation from Musk regarding Tesla’s bitcoin payment policy.

Why It Matters

Early in 2021, Tesla’s substantial investment in bitcoin was a watershed moment for the cryptocurrency. However, environmental concerns led to the temporary suspension of bitcoin payments. Tesla voiced apprehensions about the escalating use of fossil fuels in bitcoin-related activities. Notably, Tesla made alterations to its payment page source code, removing bitcoin as a payment option while retaining Dogecoin.


Q How much bitcoin does Tesla currently hold in its corporate treasury?

Tesla holds more than 9,000 bitcoins, with a total value of approximately $259 million.

Q. Why did Elon Musk initially express support for bitcoin as a payment method for Tesla vehicles?

Musk saw bitcoin as a viable payment option and made a significant investment in the cryptocurrency in February 2021, driving up its price.

Q. Why did Tesla suspend bitcoin payments for its vehicles in 2021?

Tesla suspended bitcoin payments due to concerns about the environmental impact of bitcoin mining, specifically the use of fossil fuels.

Q. What did Elon Musk require before reinstating bitcoin payments for Tesla vehicles?

Musk stipulated that Tesla would resume bitcoin payments when approximately 50% of bitcoin mining energy came from clean and sustainable sources.

Q. What is the significance of the recent analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence regarding bitcoin’s energy usage?

The analysis suggests that bitcoin mining has exceeded 50% clean energy usage, potentially prompting Tesla to reinstate bitcoin payments.

Q. What is the status of Tesla’s bitcoin payment policy as of now?

Tesla has not officially confirmed any updates to its bitcoin payment policy, but recent developments indicate that it may consider resuming bitcoin payments.


The recent milestone of bitcoin mining crossing the 50% clean energy threshold marks a pivotal moment in the cryptocurrency’s journey. It is not only for the cryptocurrency market but also for Tesla’s involvement in the cryptosphere. As the world eagerly awaits confirmation from Elon Musk, the impact of this decision on both Bitcoin and Tesla remains to be seen.

Meet Devansh Saurav, CryptoWini's seasoned writer and finance expert. With over a decade in finance and a background in journalism, Devansh blends practical expertise and storytelling to unravel crypto intricacies. Follow him on CryptoWini for concise analyses, market trends, and engaging discussions bridging finance and crypto

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